14 dead in road accident in India

travel2024-06-03 19:19:1867213
(Xinhua) 14:13, January 03, 2024

NEW DELHI, Jan. 3 (Xinhua) -- At least 14 people died and 27 others were injured in a road accident in India's northeastern state of Assam early on Wednesday, confirmed a local cop to Xinhua over phone.

The mishap occurred in Assam's Golaghat district when a private bus carrying nearly 45 people collided head-on with a truck loaded with coal.

The injured were admitted to a local hospital, with some in critical condition, said the cop while giving details of the mishap.

He feared the death toll could rise. Further details are awaited.

Address of this article:http://gibraltar.argoasecurityeu.com/news-1c699952.html


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